About Me


That’s how a classmate used to call me way back in college. Indeed, I am  smiley and generally cheerful. Here in this portrait, only pretending to be shy. I am quiet, but far from shy.

Poetry and art making

I have been writing poems since my teens. I also draw and made only a few paintings. I have also taken lots of photos. See some of them on my blog. If you reproduce my content for personal or educational use, please make sure to include proper credits. For any commercial use, contact me first.

Readings, movies, music and visual arts

Mostly news, science, magazines and non-fiction books. Music? Check my mixes on MixCloud, and also see music page. For my interest in visual culture, my current volunteer engagement is all about it at CDIC-CIDE.

Where I live

I live in Hamilton, www.cityofwaterfalls.ca.

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